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The Los Angeles Rams will hold their training camp at Loyola Marymount University this summer

来源:Culture Compass news portal编辑:entertainment时间:2024-06-04 00:13:55

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Los Angeles Rams will hold their upcoming training camp at Loyola Marymount University.

The Rams announced the location Tuesday. The franchise had held its camps at UC Irvine ever since it returned home to Southern California in 2016.

Loyola Marymount is a private university in the Westchester neighborhood of Los Angeles. The Rams will live in LMU’s residence halls while training in the school’s athletic facilities starting in late July.

The Rams had held every training camp under coach Sean McVay in Orange County, which is much farther from the Rams’ main training bases. The Rams are expected to move from Thousand Oaks to the location of their new training complex in Woodland Hills later this year.

The team’s offseason program is still being held on the campus of California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, its weekday home ever since the Rams returned to LA. The Rams eventually will build a permanent complex in Woodland Hills, but will again be in temporary facilities on the new site until its completion.

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